Ask any ladies which want she want? For sure she want bigger wan! A big guy & a small guy……..for sure a lady will choose the big guy (Usual reason is they feel very ‘protected’ with big guy!) Hemmmm!!! Maybe they assume that a big guy got a big ‘didi’ (cock) also, which in most case is true but not all cases (Well I do know that some sumo have short & tiny ‘didi’ as compare to their body size)! Beside body part a lady will always want anything else big! For example guy with big car, house, salary & big wallet!
As for the guy, not much better! A guy too want anything else big well almost everything like for example almost every guy want to have a gf with big ‘nen nen’ (breast) but not a big gf like for example ‘ang moh’ (European)size gf………….simple reason, all guy assume that a big lady must have a big poosie! Now this is the big different between the ladies & the guys! No guy will want to have a big poosie!
Well I am a normal guy so of cause I also want ‘bigger’ things! No! No! No big gf for me as I too assume big lady must have a big poosie! So how about 14.5kg heavier, 15mm wider, 36mm higher, 106mm deeper & 210 watt more powerful! So in other word bigger in all sense! He! He! I am not talking about my gf!
This is what I am talking about! The Onkyo Tx-Sr875! Yes it is a big ass av receiver when compare to my other av receiver the
Pioneer Vsx-917s (
my review lah so very safe to click on the link as in all the rest in this site! Very safe wan! No ads!). I have to change my
Pioneer Vsx-917s to Onkyo Tx-Sr875 is all because of my
Panasonic Blue Ray player! The
Pioneer Vsx-917s got everything a av must have except if u r watching blu ray, this is because it cannot decode Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS HD Master Audio & DTS HD High Resolution. All this new audio code is only available in a blu ray disc.

The above two picture is a comparison between the
Pioneer Vsx-917s & Onkyo Tx-Sr875 & u can see how heavy the Onkyo is in the second picture! So how is the performance of the Onkyo? Very good as compared to the Pioneer I must say I am happy with it. It got so much more function & setting and so is it sound production. I must say it is compatible with my
Panasonic Plasma Tv Full HD TH-50PY700H & my
Panasonic Blue Ray player DMP-BD30 using Panasonic Viera Link, no ‘handshake’ issue (
some other av receiver have such issue which result in no picture when HDMI connection is used).
Connection is done by using HDMI cable,
Panny blu ray HDMI out to Onkyo HDMI in (
it got 4 HDMI in so I got plenty of future HDMI connection to made) & then Onkyo HDMI out (
only one HDMI out, the newer Onkyo Tx-Sr876 got two) to the
Panny Plasma Tv, all very neat & tidy at the behind, only one in & one out for the cabling.
Beside this, Onkyo Tx-Sr875 has the abilities to up-conversion all video to 1080p signal. This meant u can even use a normal DVD player which output video signal in 480p to 1080p using the on-board HQV Reon-VX chip (this chip is much better than most av using Faroudja chip). Since I am already using a Panasonic Blue Ray player which output video at 1080p via HDMI (1080p can only be out put via HDMI) this up-conversion is not being use. I did however test it out on Astro signal using s-cable connection (Astro signal suck big time when view on big screen due to its low resolution), 480 to 1080 & I do notice that picture quality is slightly better which is not a surprise as ‘garbage in garbage out’ also apply here,well maybe a slightly better ‘garbage’. Anyway I didn’t use this connection as I considered it a waste to switch on the Onkyo just to watch Astro.
So far only good stuff, any bad stuff about Onkyo Tx-Sr875? Well I do have a very big complain! This bugger runs very hot! As in hot enough to cook my nuts! Yes it is that hot! Since I don’t have an air con in the living room I am most worry that the Onkyo will cook itself!
I solve the hot issue of the Onkyo by doing a simple DIY! As show in the two picture above I just make use of two 5” cpu casing fan to cool the hot receiver. I make use of a phone charger which supply 3.6v of power, it is enough to power the two 5” fan connected in parallel so that it run silently (normally 12v is used but in this case the two fan will be running at full power & hence very noisy) yet it is enough to cool the Onkyo receiver……..from about 65c to just about 43c.
I have 'up-grade' the two 5" cpu cooling fan to two 8" lap-top cooling fan. Some more the two new fan cum with 'bling bling' blue led! Look very nice & cool. The two 8" fan is source from two lap-top cooling fan as shown in the picture. I use just one mp3 usb power to power it. Before u buy similar lap-top cooler make sure that its 8" fan can be detached as some cannot be detached.
Well the above is just a very brief write on the Onkyo Tx-Sr875. Actually there is much more then that but then this entry will be very very boring & dry. More detail can be found on my other site (
not very horny)
He! He! Sorry arrr to all my dear readers who expected to read about a ‘horny’ entry (He! He! Did I get your attention on the first two paragraphed) but instead end up reading a Onkyo Tx-Sr875. Anyway I hope u enjoy reading it & please do comment & don’t be shy!