Hor ny:- meant someone with overloaded with se*xual urge, in constant need to poke, a very 'hiao hiao' ( in hokkien meant a very hor ny person ) person. I can't give a exact meanting as even the Advance Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Of Current English don't have the word inside it.
Ang:- meant red in hokkien ( hokkien is a Chinese dialect )
Moh:- meant hair in hokkien
Thus Hor ny Ang Moh meant a hor ny red hair! Ang Moh is also normally refer to Caucasian as normally they have red hair. So in most case it mean Hor ny Caucasian!
One year ago one bored simple fellow is connected to the internet pokeing into all sort of sites (mainly sites showing 'nice' picture after all he is just a normal guy ). That is when he happen to poke into baby jee sites & read this ! (all this while he did poke into all sort of blog but he just see & read at the blog thats all ). Something made him put down a comment on this entry as hor ny ang moh! It could be because baby jee is a cute young lady & he decided to pull her se*xy leg!
After pokeing into baby jee for sometime & under her encouragement( baby assure that blogging is free of charge ), this fellow finally decided to enter into the blog sphere as Hor ny Ang Moh! The first thing that he did is to ask for baby help ( since this fellow is lowly educated & he know nuts about internet coding & whatsoever so he need all the help he can get on-line on internet! Lucky baby is most helpful. She help him to set up the site page & even help him to put up the profile picture. Beside her, this fellow also unashamedly ask all sort of help from his readers )!
This is how Hor ny Ang Moh cum into being. So my dear reader I am not a Caucasian ( my lowly educated English will show straight away that I am not Ang Moh ) but long time ago my 'moh' ( hair ) is 'ang' ( red ) but nowadays it is 'oh' ( black ).
Ang:- meant red in hokkien ( hokkien is a Chinese dialect )
Moh:- meant hair in hokkien
Thus Hor ny Ang Moh meant a hor ny red hair! Ang Moh is also normally refer to Caucasian as normally they have red hair. So in most case it mean Hor ny Caucasian!
One year ago one bored simple fellow is connected to the internet pokeing into all sort of sites (mainly sites showing 'nice' picture after all he is just a normal guy ). That is when he happen to poke into baby jee sites & read this ! (all this while he did poke into all sort of blog but he just see & read at the blog thats all ). Something made him put down a comment on this entry as hor ny ang moh! It could be because baby jee is a cute young lady & he decided to pull her se*xy leg!
After pokeing into baby jee for sometime & under her encouragement( baby assure that blogging is free of charge ), this fellow finally decided to enter into the blog sphere as Hor ny Ang Moh! The first thing that he did is to ask for baby help ( since this fellow is lowly educated & he know nuts about internet coding & whatsoever so he need all the help he can get on-line on internet! Lucky baby is most helpful. She help him to set up the site page & even help him to put up the profile picture. Beside her, this fellow also unashamedly ask all sort of help from his readers )!
This is how Hor ny Ang Moh cum into being. So my dear reader I am not a Caucasian ( my lowly educated English will show straight away that I am not Ang Moh ) but long time ago my 'moh' ( hair ) is 'ang' ( red ) but nowadays it is 'oh' ( black ).
Fast forward to today ( time really fly when u r busy or when u r having a good time just like when u r pokeing away ) I look back and review what have Hor ny Ang Moh achieved. This is my first post with just one & the first reader that is baby jee ( of couse I will also like to thank Iwan-Sanchez who have being so supportive )! Actually my intention to set up Hor ny Ang Moh is just for fun ( after all it started with pulling baby jee's leg ) temporary maybe after a few months I will just 'disappear'. But I end up pokeing into more & more sites & of cause with a hor ny ID I feel very free putting in my comments into almost all the blogs that I have poke into ( unless the entries is too deep for my simple head )! And so with all my dear readers support I last until today & of cause I get more & more hor ny so much so that I am posting up all my personal sexperiances or those that I have done research on under 'hor ny' labels!
Right from the beginning ( even thought it is my original intention for it to be on temporary basic ) I have intended to post up useful & informative entries for all my reader ( from personal experience/sexperiance & knowledge ) so I have DIY & ABC labels, OGI PALAH is for entries which I don't know which labels to use.
Due to my nick as 'Hor ny Ang Moh' I have to live up to my nick ( it would be unsuitable if I post up English literature or history )! That is why I have 'hor ny' labels! By far this is a very popular topic with a lot of reaction from my dear reader! To me its is OK. It doesn't not meant my reader are hor ny, it is after all a subject which all adult should know to have a happy life & family. I am most happy that my hor ny entries is of some use to my reader as no teacher will teach this subject in detail in school! But of cause u can always have a look at the 'nice' dvd movie but it don't give u the pros & cons. One simple example in the 'nice' movie showing 'pokeing' in the wildlife park,its don't show u how many swamp of mosquito is attacking the pokeing couple!
Due to my nick as 'Hor ny Ang Moh' I have to live up to my nick ( it would be unsuitable if I post up English literature or history )! That is why I have 'hor ny' labels! By far this is a very popular topic with a lot of reaction from my dear reader! To me its is OK. It doesn't not meant my reader are hor ny, it is after all a subject which all adult should know to have a happy life & family. I am most happy that my hor ny entries is of some use to my reader as no teacher will teach this subject in detail in school! But of cause u can always have a look at the 'nice' dvd movie but it don't give u the pros & cons. One simple example in the 'nice' movie showing 'pokeing' in the wildlife park,its don't show u how many swamp of mosquito is attacking the pokeing couple!
That is why I am so 'hor ny' in blog sphere.
As all if not most of my hor ny entries is base on real life sexepriance mainly with gf ( either current, former or one night stand ) I can never post up my real picture! I will not only be 'ketut' on the head or ears pulled by gf but also will be suicided by my gf if she know I have post up all the 'nice' pokeing detail ( until now she still don't know I have a blog. Oh yes, she did saw me view my sites but I just tell her I am interested to see what a big orang utan is doing & how he 'poke', its for her benefit ). This also applicable to all those that know me ( after all I live in a small & rural town ). This is the disadvantage for posting up all this 'hor ny' entries. I do like to meet my readers ( some of my male reader are awesome and some of my ladies reader are sooooo hot ) but maybe someday I might get to meet them as just a 'simple fellow'. But I am very sure all my reader will have the following reaction!!!

Because I am very sure if I post up my picture my reader will say 'this fellow hor ny meh? He is so ordinary'.This is why I can never post up my picture.
After one year I have 95 posts ( I have no idea I can post up so many entries, during school time even 1000 words essay will cost me to copy from the girl sitting next to me ) .I think not bad for a blogger who started off with just one reader & low in education. Normally when someone started blogging he informed the whole world ( that is his whole family, friends, relative, college and so on and so froth ) to visit his sites & support him like no tomorrow! Me just a simple fellow with a single reader but soon due to my constant pokeing & kind support from mine reader the visitors increased with 12550 sites visitors!. And I also get awarded for being awesome. Nothings made me more happy than to know that my entries made my reader happy & brighten up their stressful life!
So today the real me in the real world wish the 'hor ny' me in blog sphere happy one year old!
And to my dear reader thank you for all your supports & comment. Have a nice day to all my readers!
And to my dear reader thank you for all your supports & comment. Have a nice day to all my readers!
haha congratulation on ur 1st anniversary..hope theres gonna b plenty of hor ny things to come..
How old are u???
Ohhhh like that wan. I thot you really ang moh somemore.
Hi Joe! Got somemore 'hor ny' post cumming up!
Hallo W W H! Today my b-day so only 1 years old!
Hallo Ahpek!Wellcum! Oh u think me ang moh! He!He! That meant my english no bad hor! Tq for ur comment!
your nick is so cute, dat make u stands out in the crowd mer. =)
Happy birthday Horny AngMoh! :D
Keep them horns coming! LOL
Happy blogiversary hor ny!!
Wow.. Happy Birthday to you ya...
Hallo Polaris! Wellcum! Tq for ur comment!
Hi Cindy! Tq!
Hi Rabbit! Tq!
Hi Binjamin! Tq!
Congratulations and here's to many more blog pokeing to come! :-)
Happy Birthday HornyAngmoh.blogspot.com
no wonder my traffic raised so much today!!! ehehhe Thank you very much!!!
Hi Helen! Tq! Sure got more pokeing entries!
Hallo Baby! How r u doing! Tq. B'cos of u Hor ny Ang Moh exited!
Happy Birthday Horny Ang Moh Kia!!!Hope to read more horny horny posts that sexcited me to have better sex with hubby. hahahahhahaha....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY HORNY FRIEND. Looking forward to read more of your horny stuff. :-) What do you want for your birthday present? Dozens of condoms??? hahaha..........
Hi Choonie! Tq tq! Ok some more 'educational' post cumming up!
Hallo Erina!Tq tq! B-day gifts?? I got a few box of 'safety bag' already. But ur support is appreciated!
LOL, Honry OhMoh... LOL... Please continue writing, we love your posts.. ;) Daily if you can wahahha.. :P
Now I know why you are called hor ny ang moh.... Hehe... however I need to disagree with you about one point....
I think you have sky high reading rates becoz....
hello Horny..
i have always loved ur blog!! hehee!
i felt so honoured cos my name was mentioned.. hehehe!
thanks ok
how can i forget your signature ending:
hahaha! rite?
Happy Birthday, Hor ny Ang Moh
Hi Evie!Tq tq! I try to do daily but 'hor ny' entries need reseach wan!
Hi Princess!My reader 'hor ny' meh? He!He! Tq for ur comment!
Hi Iwan! He!I tq for ur support mah!
Hallo Sue!Wellcum! Tq for ur comment!
aiyoyohhhh..belated bdae greeting from me arr..beter late then never right??!! you one year old meh?? how come you so hairy?
may you be more hor ny in the years to cum!! peace =)
To be a noble benign being is to have a amiable of openness to the far-out, an cleverness to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally extreme circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very impressive relating to the fettle of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a treasure, something kind of feeble, but whose mere special attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
In every tom's life, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm at near an face with another human being. We should all be thankful recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
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