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Wellcum! Wellcum!

To all my dear readers if u find this site too 'horny' then please poke into My Other Site where I am more 'normal!!! Feel free to poke into any link within the post as it normally led to more 'interesting' post! Rest assure it is mostly not paid post! No ads for a 'horny' blogger!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Don’t Want To Spend A Lonely Weekend………..

How do you spend your weekend? Are you like me……….spending weekend cutting grass, cleaning out my untidy hut doing some simple DIY? And that is what I do during the weekend day times. As for the night I spend playing computer games or watching some boring movies. In short mostly I have a very boring weekend!

In true I never really look forward to weekend as I will be very bored! Alas this is not so for most of my friends who look forward to weekend starting from Friday night right after work. Why? Because they will be out partying with their girl friends where as for me, I will be a lonely guy. I really envy my friends who have the abilities to pick up women and flirt with women so easily.  Honestly speaking, I am not a handsome fellow & neither am I rich and so maybe because of this I always feel ‘inadequate’ somehow whenever I try to attract women, especially beautiful women. Somehow I always end up behaving like a fool & maybe this scarce off the lady.

So too all my dear readers, what am I suppose to do? Any tips & suggestion will be most appreciated. I just don’t want to spend any more lonely weekends.


ahjust aka Justin Lee said...


Cheeky_me said...

last article u wrote, u said u have gf, n now u said u r all alone, which 1 to believe?

Weird Dan said...

It's been such a long time since we had horny angmoh updating his blog

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi! Ahjust Tq for dropping in!

Hi Cheeky! Ay sometime gf left to stay home alone mah! :(

Hi Weird Dan! Tq for dropping in! Hope u like my latest post!

lankapo said...

find another girl lah bro..

just find one in FB so easy maa