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Wellcum! Wellcum!

To all my dear readers if u find this site too 'horny' then please poke into My Other Site where I am more 'normal!!! Feel free to poke into any link within the post as it normally led to more 'interesting' post! Rest assure it is mostly not paid post! No ads for a 'horny' blogger!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Life in the countryside in the good old day.

Back in the old day those of us who live the countryside don't have electricity or tap water so we have 2 use stream water 4 our daily need & firewood/candle/kerosene 4 cooking & lighting.
Life is peacefull and carefree.We spend our free time after study catching fish or birds (those that really fly). We will take bath from stream and have a good playing in the water. Now throught a personal experian when I was young I like 2 play in the stream nakel nothing feel better then the feeling of cool water all over ur body.But after being bitten by the small fish in the stream on mine 'equitment' I have 2 wear at lest mine underwear while playing the the stream. The experiance is damn painfull one. So 2 those of u who like 2 play play in stream please wear ur underwear OK.

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