2 all mine indian & malay reader happy deparaya! 2 all mine other reader happy holiday. Mine holiday started 5pm 20-10-06. I will be on leave untill 30-10-06. Back 2 mine borring job on 31-10-06. He! He! Shall be enjoying this few day. Hopefully will have some 'hor ny' thing 2 blog.
Seaching Seaching & Seaching

Feel free to search for anythings! Just enter whatever word.
Wellcum! Wellcum!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tank Kiu Very Much!!!
One day, a lady decided 2 visit a doctor 2 solve a rather emberassing problem,
Doctor: Morning, what is the problem, which part not feeling well?
Lady: Morning. Eeeh! I have a problem down there.
Doctor: Well?
Lady: U c doctor, mine lips down there very big, I will get marry soon, so how ah? (let doctor have a look)
Doctor: Yes, it is quite big, (thinking, gosh! as big as ur upper lips). Tell u what, I think we can cut off a bit & reduce 2 nomal size.
Lady: Painfull or not, expensive?
Doctor: No lah! Just like nomal cut & not expensive.
Lady: Ok, I will do it, but please can u keep it secret?
Doctor:Sure no problem. Can u come back next week?
Lady: Ok.
So the following week the lady pay the doctor a visit at the appointed time. The operation was a sucess. While the lady is resting at the female ward, she is very surprise 2 recieved 3 bunchs of flower. She feel very angry & call out 2 the doctor.
Lady: U promise to keep mine operation secret!!! WTF is the flower 4??!!!
Doctor: Please let me explain, the first flower is from me. This is the first time I perform such operation. It is really an honour.
Lady: Oh! I c. How about the second?
Doctor: Ah! The second is from mine assistant. She is happy for u, now it look 'beautifull'.
Lady: What about the third?
Doctor:That one..... is from the burnt patient from the male ward who insist to send u the flower, thanking u for donating to him a new pair of ear lobes!!!!!!!! He! He!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:08 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Strange Visitor
Today I have a strange visitor. Can someone tell me what it is? It stay on mine front house wall for almost a day & only fly off in the evening. He! He! I hope it bring me luck.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:28 PM
What If U died Now!!!!!!!!!!!
I have being sick , very sick this past few day. In fact I took 2 day sick leaves. I have the above med. Taste terrible & turn mine stomach up-side down & inside-out. So on the second night of mine sickness, I feel really terrible, hight fever,sweating & feeling hungry as I have no taste in food, in fact I feel like dieing, the above question flash across mine. WHAT IF I DIED NOW!
If I am a working single.
Ship!! I am going 2 leave mine parent, mine bro & sis. Whose is going 2 look after them? MIne dog,cat & fish? Oh! What the heck! Mine bro & sis is going 2 look after them. Its their job now. Oh OK then I died in peace.
OMG I forgot I have a GF. Will she be heart broken? Will she look 4 new BF? Ship!!! I just 'poke' her eeh I mean I made love 2 her,( we both enjoy it ) & I forgot 2 take the usual precaustion ( she ask me not 2 wear it as she enjoy it more ) & get prenant!!! Gosh! I am turning nut just thinking about it. I take back mine word & don't died in peace. I must fight this sickness, I am a responsible guy I don't want mine baby 2 be fatherless.
The above thought flash throught mine mind.
Actually if I died as a single, mine parent, bro & sis will be very sad (the family has lost a very horny son with great portential 2 bring many grand children) as 4 mine GF, I am very sure she is not prenant (I have meet her demand many time & her tammy is still flat) & in no time she will look 4 new BF. (but I am sure the performance is not to mine level)
If I am a family man
Whose is going 2 pay 4 the housing, car, water, electricity etc if I died. I am the bread earner. Who is going 2 look after mine six kid? Kid need a father love. Mine wife? Who is going 2 look & help her 2 look after the family. Ship!!!Who is going 2 give love 2 her!!!!! Dam!! I am the only one 'pokeing' her & that is it. Period!! I am going 2 fight this sickness & get well.
Actually if I died as a family men I should have taken some measure. 4 eg I will take up MRTA insurance 2 pay off mine housing loan, car loan, well too bad just sold off the car. Mine insurance will be enought 2 cover family expenses. What I can't prepare is the love that the father can give 2 his children. The love a husband can give to the wife. ( The ideal of other guy 'pokeing' mine wife freak me out ) So look after uself well & don't died a family men. Too much is at stack.
Now I am well, the above ? is not so relevent but I have yet 2 made preparation 4 it. Oh mine GF tammy is flat as ever. Mine family still have a loving father & the wife still get all the love & 'pokeing' she need.
BTW I could be single or married u guss. Hope u enjoy reading the above & thought over it. Oh do drop some comments.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
5:03 PM