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Wellcum! Wellcum!

To all my dear readers if u find this site too 'horny' then please poke into My Other Site where I am more 'normal!!! Feel free to poke into any link within the post as it normally led to more 'interesting' post! Rest assure it is mostly not paid post! No ads for a 'horny' blogger!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine Day............

Tomorrow is a special 'HORNY DAY!!!' for me. For tomorrow is Val day!!! I must be extra horny & mine stiminale must be up 110%. Every year I offer myself to mine GF as a priceless gifts. I am still wandering how to present myself to her.( I use to tied a ribbon on mine 'bro' when she open the gifts but it is getting stale, I meant the idea NO mine 'bro', unless mine gf is new wan).

As I am a poor fellow, I could only afford to present myself after all I am priceless!! Well I am still thinking............ Any idea from mine dear reader on how to present myself as gift to mine GF????

BTW happy val day to all mine reader..

1 comment:

Scott McLean said...

Hi, I was sick with a cold on romance day. It was not much fun. I don't have any advice. Just be yourself. I think you are very nice. Take care.