Look! This is what I find in the garden shed. Rats!!! The garden shed has being turned into a rat mansion!

I only manage to catch the baby rats or rather I manage to get the baby rats. The papa, mama & all the other rat relative manage to excape. There are 7 inmature rats baby & 6 new born rats baby. All of them are still blind.
Nomally I don't mind rats in the wild. But I hate rats when they infest mine house, in fact I don't like to live in rats infested house.This is what happen to me last time when I lieved in such a house, actually a rented house.
Rats have the bad habit of chewing up stuff & pooing all over the place. Rats seem to like mine clothing particularly mine underwear. After rats have gone throught chewing mine underwear I find that if I wear that underwear ( sometime i have no choice as I do mine lundry once a week ) I don't ever have to take off that underwear when attending nature call. Why? The darm rat have created two big hole on mine underwear one behind ( now I can be poked) & one in front ( now I can do the pokeing ). Because of this I spend more money buying underwear then other type of cloths ( the supermarket sale girls did ask me why I buy underwear on a regular basic & I tell her I have a wild lover ).
Anothe reason why I don't like rat infested house is b'cos of their nightly activities. While I am doing my nightly activities that is while I am banging mine lover away on mine bed, half a drozen rats are also banging away on the ceiling board. Just as I am geting into a banging rhythem ( my lover enjoying ) the darm rats upset mine banging rhythem with all their lound thumping & squeaking sound ( this squeaking sound also drown out the soft moan that mine lover made ).
How to get rid of the rats? U can rear cat which is what I use ( made sure that the cat u rear can catch rat ). U can use rat poison which I have try before & I don't like. This is because after eating the poison the rat end up dying everwhere & anywhere & if a poor cat happen to eat this rat it will end up dead also. U can use rat traps. I use that also. Please clean the trap with soapy water & dryed before u use the trap against. This is because traped rat leave a distress sence behind the trap & if u didn't clean the trap it can never trap another rat. Another favourite method is the use of mouse glue. I just apply the glue on a study cardboard & to attract the rats I use some tasty food like biskuit to attract the rats. I then left the cardboard where rats are. The problem using rat glue is u have to be very carefull when applying the glue as it is very sticky.
Oh before I forgot all the baby rats shown above ends up in mine two cats stomach. Someone once told me that eating new born rat alive will boost your sexerise, I almost want to try it out & give mine lover a surprise. But looking at the tick infested mice change mine mind.