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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Horny First Five Minutes!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
7:58 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
My Boss Fark/Fcuk Me Strong Strong!!!
As the head of a sale unit in a big organization I have to attend ‘sale convention’ every year. This ‘sale convention’ is normally held in a 5 star Hotel convention hall & of cause I get to stay in this hotel too! In this ‘sale convention’ which is attended by all sale units thought out the whole country, all the sale units head is supposed to learn new tricks in sales & yet more products & of cause to know the organization’s policies & aims.
In actual case, in my opinion I have to attended such ‘sale convention’ to have my ‘hor ny’ brain ‘washes’ with new ideas to pushes for sales & yet more sales! And also in all this ‘sale convention’ will be included ‘motivation’ course which is suppose to motivate the head of sale unite so that the head will be so ‘motivated’ that he will go back home to ‘motivated’ his sale stuff also.
Oh yes! I am most ‘motivated’ during the ‘motivating’ course but to me ( My hor ny opinion! ) the real ‘motivation’ for me is MONEY! Yes! For MONEY I will get all the sale u want! But if I get ‘peanut’ for all my sale effort then I will give u ‘peanut’ sale! And that is my big problem!
Apart from this, the last ‘program’ of the ‘sale convention’ is have a ‘meet the boss’ session! By boss I meant the organization owner/president/ceo/Tan Sri & whatsoever whereby he/she will present award for the best sale unit! After this we get to present our annual sale report to our real boss the sale department head! This I consider is the real purpose of having ‘sale convention’!
Yes! I consider her my boss as my salary, salary increment & whatsoever is base on her recommendations to human resource department! If I do well in the sale I will get my salary increments or else I will be in very deep shit or worse still get transfer to work in ‘Abu Dhabi’( No such luck lah! I don’t mind working oversea! The real case is, I will be transfer to work in KL with a RM2,000-00 salary! This is a polite way to say u r fired! )!!!
In my organization those who do well get to sit in front ( So whatever this fellow suggest will get the boss attention! ) whereas those to do badly get to sit in the back ( I don’t really mind sitting at the back as some ‘meeting’ is so boring that I fall asleep! ) and thus I found myself sitting right at the very back & in fact there are no one behind me! Sigh………….!!!! I better get myself ready for all the incumming bomb, missile & maybe a few pens or even a chairs throw at me by the sale Boss!
And so the reports began by each & every sale heads! He or she will report the sale figures & also how he/she did the sale & how or what he/she will do or plan to do to further improve the sale figures………….Blad blad blad & yada yada yada………this go on & on & on…………. Since I am the last it is almost 6.30 pm before I have my turn to submit my sale performers ( In the meant time I fall asleep! )!
I did all that I can to secure sale & more sales but compare to other I just happen to be the last & so on & so froths………..blah blah blah………yada yada yada & more yada yada ………..( In fact I give her 1,001 reasons why I am the last! )!!!
After this it is her turn to ‘fires’ me! Wah laued!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is……….Her mouth is so…. So…. So…… like a big canon! She is like firing canon balls at me & some more also got bombs & missiles cumming out of her mouth! So of cause all my 1,001 reasons all got shot to pieces!
Then the phone rang! Phew!!! Save by the phone! It is now almost 7.00pm! Meeting ended! Everybody lets off a sight of relieved & hurried out of the convention hall like scared rabbits!
‘Hor ny! U stay behind!’ WTF! Wah lauehhhhhhhhhhhh!!! She is not finished with me yet! By now I am alone with she & she look at her watch…………….
‘Tell me do u still want to work as sale head?
‘Yes! Mdm! I do! Please give me a chance! I will do any things!’
‘Meet me in my room at 9.00pm as this convention hall will be use for other function! I am not thought with u yet! I shall then evaluated my recommendation on yours sale performance! Oh! Have a bath before u meet me! U r sweating like a pig!’
‘Yes! Mdm! Tq very much for giving me a chance!’
Dam! I am in very deep shit! What shall I do? With no salary increment or worse still what if she deducts my salary? What if she decided to transfer me to KL ( Where it is a very dangerous & very expensive place to work! )!
To be continued…………..
To all my dear readers what should I do????
Updated..............And this is what HAPPEN!!!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
6:38 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Big 'Nen Nen' ( Breast ) In Front Of U!!!
What do u do? When u see a lady with big ‘nen nen’? Me? I am a ‘good boy’, I just follow her to the bank & I quay up behind her as I just want to check up my saving account ( I will not be doing THIS to a lady when I 'kaypot' ie busybody a bit ).
I can see that she want to deposit some monies & besides putting her monies on the counter she also ‘put’ her pair of big ‘nen nen’ on the counter too!!! It just happen that the bank counter is about the same high of her big ‘nen nen’ so of cause it look like she put her big ‘nen nen’ on the counter too! She is wearing a low cut some more!
Me? I can see all that as I am just standing behind her! I can see that she is watching over her money being counted while the poor bank teller has a hard time counting her money!
If u r that teller what will u do? Well I have being in that situation before too. I have work as a teller before & I remember one client very well………..Actually I only remember the sight of her big ‘nen nen’!!! Size D I think! She have a very smooth & fair ‘nen nen’ & some more got a few blood vein also! I remember having a ‘hard’ time counting her monies!
So to all my big ‘nen nen’ lady readers……… u ‘put’ ur ‘nen nen’ on the cash counter too??? If u did that u might just cause ‘trouble’ & give the poor teller a ‘hard’ time!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
7:18 PM
Labels: HOR NY