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Wellcum! Wellcum!
Monday, May 28, 2007
5 red bomb!!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:50 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
My Job.........The truth! Nothing but the truth!!
The Truth About My Job
The truth about being a service provider..............
1. I work very late ...
... Just like pro*stitutes/giga*lo.
2. They pay me to make the client happy...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
3. The client pays a lot of money, but mine employer keeps almost every sen...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
4. I am rewarded for fulfilling the client's dreams...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
5. My friendships with friends fall apart and I end up hanging out with people in the same profession...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
6. When I have to meet the client I always have to be perfectly groomed...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
7. But when I go back home it seems like I am coming back from hell...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
8. The client always wants to pay less but expects incredible things from me...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
9. When people ask me about mine job, I have difficulties to explain it...
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
10. Everyday when I wake up, I say: "I'm not going to spent the rest of my life doing this."
... Just like a pro*stitute/giga*lo.
Due to the sensitivities of my job I just can't reveal it. But I can assure u that my job is very very well respected in the sociaty. My job is also very well sought after by new graduated. But to meet target & sales performance I have to do all the above plus a lot of extra.
So to my dear reader happy gussing. The weekend is near so I wish u all a happy & relaxing weekend.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
3:13 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:47 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Monday, May 21, 2007
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:46 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Bathing together. What I meant is guy & lady bathing together. So this post is applicable to married couple & guy & lady having inti*mate relationship. It is a very nice & stimulating experience. It feel very very nice having someone to wash every crook & canny part of ur body.
For guy.
Imageing the feeling having a lady's soft hand rubbing soap all over ur body & of couse scrubbing ur body with a soapy sponge. Imageing her hand rubbing or rather stocking ur 'bro' as she clean it. Imageing her hand pulling back the protective skin of ur 'bro' head & cleaning it with soap ( applicable to those with original 'bro', ie uncircumsie 'bro' ).This will granrantee to wake up ur sleeping 'bro' ( unless ur 'bro' have ED problem ) and of couse ur 'bro' will harden in no time. Imageing the feeling when she use her soapy to rubb against your body, expecially her firmed up brea*st.
For lady.
Imageing the strong soapy hand of a men carressing ur body while he clean it for u. The soapy strong hand cupping ur brea*st & cleaning it in a circular motion ( this is also the time to ask ur men to check ur brea*st for any lump for brea*st cancer ).Imageing ur men's strong soapy hand rubbing ur but*t & if he is strong enought he might just lift u up. Imageing the ur men strong soapy hand carressing & cleaning your 'hole' surrounding area & using his finger to scrub the two lips ( guy don't ever poke into the hole with ur soapy finger, it is 'clean' inside, this is also to prevent any health problem ). Imageing the feeling when he use his soapy body to hug u.
All this cleaning, rubbing & scrubbing activities is a form of very good foreplay. After both of of u have clean off all the soap, loving & pokeing can be carried out in the bathroom, provided that the bathroom is big enought. Care must be taken when pokeing in the bathroom as more often then not the floor of the bathroom is still slippery with soap & pokeing is usually done in the stand-up position with either the lady on one foot or the guy on one foot. Made sure that both of u keep ur balance. It will be a painfull experiance if a harden 'bro' get knocked or crushed against the floor if the guy lost the footing. If the bathroom not big enought for such activities u can always do it in the bedroom provided that both of u are having bath in the master bedroom's bathroom ( this is also the reason why next time if u buy house, always choose a house with front master bedroom with bathroom ). For ladies by now ur men will have a fully harden 'bro' which u could grap hold on & lead hin to the bed. For guy u can alway poke into ur lady & carried her to bed attached ( applicable to lady below 65kg or strong men with carrying power ). It is best to use liquid soap expecially the type which produce a lot of bubble. Soap bar can be use but u wouldn't want to spend ur time catching a slippery soap.
So what do u think. Game to try it out??
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:36 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Rain!! Its rain finally.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:42 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Afraid!!......Be very afraid!!!!
Guy & gurl expecially ladies, they should be carefull with who they befriend with ( however most of my reader are nice people, as I also read thought their blog which are most informative & by reading their entry I can more or less judge that they are nice people ) throght the net. Be on guard if such so called friend ask for money or even se*x the very first they meet u ( this is applicable to ladies, althought the case of lady ask guy for se*x I have not heard off ).
As I am new to internet ( only started blogging last year & before that I only know how to look at some nice pic in the net even that I need some of my good friend to teach me ) I tended to read whatever internet news with a pitch of salt ( I hope I don't offended my reader with this ) . That is also why untill now I am still faceless or as least I have the profile pic of a monkey ( courtesy of baby ) if I should show pic, who know I might be raped next time if I hapen to be in KL or Johor ( according to my friend it is very very dangerous there ). The other more important reason of couse due to some of my 'hor ny' entries. It would not be nice if I get recorgnised ( some guy will say ' so that is how u do it to ur lover or worse still they will ask my lover is that how I do it & if she really enjoy it' & some lady will also look at me & might even ask me how I feel doing it ). In blogsphere I don't mind writting whatsoever.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:45 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:29 AM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I am dying slowly...........
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
3:25 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
White Shirt & Green Bra
I am refering to one of the auditor. She is busy pokeing her nose into all sort of file & carbinate she can find & busy recording all her finding. Luckly she is not auditing my department. If she did, I will find it difficult to stand up ( as my 'bro' stood up on my behalf ) & if she ask me question I might ask her why green. If I really did that I will be in deep trouble!!!!
So to my reader may I ask why green??
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:10 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I have being lucky........So far!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:21 AM