What are the needs of a ladies? Many many needs, in fact more needs then a guy's needs ( corrected me if I am wrong ). This is needed by all ladies. What is 'this'?? ( I am sure some 'hor ny reader will stright away think I am going to blog about love makeing against, perhap with more detail this time ).
A few years ago in order to earn extra money I took up part time as a direct sale agent. In other word I becum a salemen.This direct sale co. sell all sort of goods, everyday goods, from food stuff to health supplement to water filter to car engine oil! It is due to the wide range of goods with resonable price that I joint in as sale agents. Due to mine hard work ( I really go around visiting household to household with sample ) I quickly rose to the rant of Manager ( to me this is bullsh*it title, actually u have to work your a*ss off, some salegirls actually sell 'themself' to get the sale ).

One of the goods that I advertise is the co's sanitary napkin!!! ( Actually I intended to take some pic & take apart the sanitary pad to show the feature. But after seaching my lover's room I couldn't find it. Lady where do u keep the sanitary pad? I don't ask from my lover lest that she want to know what the hell am I doing with it). Am I correct?? It is the only product needed by every single mordern ladies. ( Some of u may say bra or panties, no true, some ladies go around without wearing bra or panties, ladies can do that, guys if u go around without wearing undie ur 'bro' will feel very weird & u will awake 'bro' at any time ).Now I am a guy selling a rather intimate ladies product, how did I made the sale??
Knowing that it is one of the basic ladies need I quicky mention all its unique feature bla bla bla & bla. Most of the ladies I approach more or less know the feature of a sanitary napkin..... But wait, the sanitary napkin I sale is unique, it can act as 'panadol' if u have fever or headach.. U don't believed me, this is b'cos its contain a super absorbent gel which also absorb the 'heat' from your head hence your fever & headach will be gone.( actually any sanitary pad with high contain of the absobent gel will do the job, it is not applicable to the tampex type which u poke into the 'hole' to absorbe the period discharge ).
Actually this really work as while I am marketing the sanitary pad one of mine office stuff feel sick with high fever. With no panadol around, I have to apply the sanitary pad on his forehead & secure by cellophane tape. It worked! An hour later that fellow feel much better & the fever not so high. ( So do u think I get thanked for saving that fellow from high fever? No! Talk about ungratefull bugger. He scold me & say it is extreme Bad luck!!He can forget about buying 4 D & wining any bet that he place for seven years with a sanitary pad stuck to his forehead. Got such things meh?? ) Nevertheless I sold off quite a few bags of sanitary pad that day.
Beside this u can also use the sanitary pad as emergency bandage to treat cut & wound as it is clean ( u don't apply use pad to the cut ) it & absorb blood & stop blood flow.
Being a good salemen I always do follow up with mine customer. From mine sanitary customer which include girls, ladies & also aunty I find that the sanitary pad is no suitable for heavy discharge user & also it is also a bit expensive compare to those in the market. Mine advice to heavy discharge user is to change the pad more often ( more business for me ) & to save on pads use my advice is to use folded tissue paper & apply on top of the pad hence u just discard the paper when it is 'full' ( but this method is not liked as got 'sticky' feeling )
Ladies now that u knows there are other usage beside sitting on it, u can keep a few more pieces in your handbag. Guys in case of emergency all u got to do is to raid the nearest handbag for sanitary pads ( u can find of sort of stuff in a ladies handbag, if u r lucky can also find condom ).