I can go & play my new PS2 like no tomorrow ( Yallah I know PS3 is out already but I am behind technologically so only now play PS2 )! I can lost the game how many time I want & gf will not know. Normally she will say lost against arrrr?? U must be getting old!
Beside playing PS2 I also spend my time playing my Pc game ! In fact I prefer to play pc game to ps2! I really regret buying ps 2!
So after playing pc game for sometime I got bored ( if I win the pc game where got bore wan, it is only when I lost then got bore very quickly )! Now what will a home alone lonely guy do next?! He took out his collection of DVD 'nice' movie ( it use to be video tape collection, then change to vcd now very advance already it is DVD ) and watch this 'nice' movie! Of cause looking at such movie alone with sound will very very fast wake up my sleeping 'bro' so I diy loh ( I do watch such 'nice' movie with gf but watching 'nice' movie her has one big problem! At the most can only watch the movie for 15 minutes as after that me & gf will be doing it as shown in the 'nice' movie so can never finish watching the nice movie )!
Yes! It is nice to be home alone once in a while! I enjoy being home alone! But very very soon I long to be with gf against. I want her by my side so that I can 'sayang sayang' ( huggy & lovedy ) her & of cause can do pokeing lah! Diy not so 'enjoyable' lah! Oh but most importantly I miss my gf for one very very important reason!
This is what I normally have when home alone! Chicken rice ( cost Rm4.00 with chicken drumstick & roasted three layer pork meat, which is the only part of a chicken I like to eat apart from thigh & wings )! But having chicken rice all the time is no good for me! I do feel like a chicken after a few days of chicken rice! Yes! I may be good in a lots of things but cooking is not one of them! I su*ck big time when it cum to cooking ( all my cooking end up in the rubbish bin )! So whenever my stomach rumber I wish gf is around ( that is also why to be my gf, cooking is a must, do I sound very 'bad' like this? )!
So to my dear readers do u like to be home alone? Do u spend ur home alone like me ( Oh! Do I sound like a pre*vert? When I say I go around the house nakel? Actually it did feel very very nice & cooling going about nakel in the house when home alone )!
all i want to say hor is... thank god you got tinted glass! your neighbour or passerby won't have to see eye doctor kekeke
OMG! walking naked around the house! You no sked mosquito bite your C*** head ka? Muahahahahha!! Have a nice day.
watch nice movie together memang nice! HAHAHAHA
yr gf sure very happy to see you say u miss her! but miss her what? xDD
i also ps2 woh!!!! but i always ended up with hexic msn game HAHAHA
its been a long time since i'm home alone. And yes the walking naked thinggy...also do if there's noone around.
Eh becareful hor..like aceone say..later the mozzie cumand bite yr bebird then u know
Yeah it's nice staying home alone at times...but hor, becareful not to expose your hairy body to the outside world ar... I pity their eyes :p
Hi Slowcatchupkuan! Aiyah no neighbour wan lah!
Hi Ace1! I repaired mozzy net already! No mozzy!
Hi belle! He! He! U also play PS2 kar? Lost or not?
Hi Sasha! He! He! If mozzy bite 'bro' head then gf 'untong' loh as got bigger 'head' for her to play with!!!
Hi L'abeille! Aiyah! no need to pity them lah! Go free show to see mah!
Aiyooo... Sure bor?
PS2 is different kind of fun than PC mah. Anyway, the level of fun depends on your PS2 controller. If your controller is ciplak, sure potong stim wan.
Anyway, I "pity"(envy) you eat chicken/roast pork rice each day... *Haiii*....
Hehe. You miss your girlfriend for food and sex only. Pity her. =p
wah.. chicken drumstick & roast pork everyday jin cham meh? don't come & tell us next that your wallet is empty. there are ppl who cannot afford to eat like this, like u do..
Wow now only i know the typical life of a horny guy, romantic in such a way to express ur feeling towards ur gf.hehe..
Mushy to the max but it is a good attempt to say u miss her.
Have a nice day!
Woah walking naked around the house ? Not afraid caught cold ?? Lol nvm if caught cold instantly ask gf manja u back!! Hehe..
aiyaaahh!...u reminded me of the movie'caveman' where Atuk only know how to 'ukh-ukh" heheheh... lucky u not my jiran, i prolly call 999. hehehehe.
Hi Lovie! Aiyah! I miss for other things also lah like she like to play my 'ball' with her feet!!He! He! I am sure u do that to ur bf!
Hi Anomus! No choice mah! Don't how to cook! But I save on other things! So in the end still very poor!
Hi Sharen! Wellcum! Ur bf not like that meh???
Hi Fiona! Windows not open mah! So where got winds to catch cold!
Hi Meh! Aiyoh! Lucky u r not my neighbour! If u r then everyday got free show wan!
I'm a loner by nature. i like being alone at home but if bf is there lagi bagus. bcos he will cook for me, feed me etc and i shall play pc game, on9 game, ps2 etc etc like nobody's business ahahaha.
Hi Polaris!Wah ! Ur life so good arr!! Just like 'siu nai nai' wan!
Naked at the home very nice huh, be careful some one had use camera took your picture.. haha..Anyway, Sound like very nice In the home alone,i also want try it at home...haha :)
yeah!!! home alone is definitely a relaxing moment, but when it gets to long, it will be kinda bored too, especially when there is no gf around!!! hehehe......
Hahah I live alone so I am enjoying (or 'suffering') whatever you wrote on a daily basis. No daily chicken rice for me though - only part of chicken I like is breast (but on women it's legsssss)...
As for cooking.. hahah... ownself cook ownself eat lor... cannot eat oso must eat... then next time make mental note dun cook it that way anyway hahahha!
Hmm that reminds me, I miss mum's cooking... should pop by her place sometime soon....
Hi Hughost! Wellcum! Yes! U must try! Very very nice wan!
Hi W W H! Home alone a few can hor! Too long cannot wan! 'Bro' will get lonely!
Hi Fox2! U live alone?? Must be very very nice! So how many ladies u have bring home??? Can tell arrr??? He! He!
Yes I like to be at home alone. My private time, can do anything I like... And yeah, can walk around naked... When back in Msia, I wear an underwear in my room sometimes (letting kkc to jump a bit uncomfortable =P)
Hi 742! Aiyah let out ur KKC to do some jumping! Good exerise wan! He! He!
win la!!!! im not old leh =p
Hi Belle! U where got old! U r a beautiful young lady!!
I also like to be home alone at times. Shiok also, go jalan jalan around the house in whichever way I like. Sleep all day long, have the bed all to myself.
Hi Erina! U like to sleep alone??Why?? Hubby to 'noisy' or 'pokey'?? He! He!
I want to play PS2... :)
Hi Jayce! Warm wellcum! PS2 can play wan! But when I play always died so no more play!
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