Yes! I just saw the movie ( I only get to see the movie now, as the clear RM5 DVD is only available now but I don't mind the wait ) & I like the story & yes, the rat are cute inside the movie ( I heard b'cos of the movie 'hamster' are in demand ). And I also have a 'ratatouille' of my own!
Look at the rat that I caught! I try my best to look for the cuteness of the rat as shown in the movie, but no matter how much I try I just couldn't find it cute! I thought I have get rid off all the rats in my house but I am wrong! The rat that I caught in the mouse trap are the big type ( it seem that everything I post up are big eg big bananas ) so big that even my poosie cat scare to eat it ( 'balless' cat, how cum not like its owner wan got big 'ball' ).

So instead of mine cat catching rats, it is the other way round! Me the cat owner have to catch rat for the dam lazy cat! And worse still I even have to kill the rat first ( by drowning ) before the 'balless' cat dare to eat it ( if I let the rat out of the trap it will be gone before the cat can catch it )!
Actually I didn't catch the rat for my cat. In fact I don't even mind rats in the wild ( to me all animal have the right to live ) but please don't made my house ur home.
Actually I didn't catch the rat for my cat. In fact I don't even mind rats in the wild ( to me all animal have the right to live ) but please don't made my house ur home.
Why I hate rats? It is all in this rats entry! I heard the snake are good rats hunter ( apart from this I don't have to put up with all the howling & yelling done by tom cats trying to poke my lady poosie cat, yallah that is why it is 'balless' ) ! Maybe I should rear a snake instead?
GRAB IT, and put it inside your pants.... heheh let it have some exploration..
*laff looking at babyjee comment* that would be interesting if put inside yr pants. Hahah then if u want i can take picture of u jumping up and down. Hahaha I'm using cheapskate nikon d40. Will try to take pictures of hair soon. Ok? hahahha
ya lo, get a snake! big big one! Nowadays the cats where can match the rat size oh?
The rat can easily bite off a cat's neck if they learned how to do that.
btw, if your house big enough right. get an OWL!
Haha... so long I never see a rat trap... u tried rat poison?
(Domestic)Cats usually don't eat mice unless really hungry..
They catch it for fun je... and to show off to their owner.. but then your cat memang lazy. ^^"
Ya snake can catch.. can go pet a ball python but snake can eat 1 mouse at a time only wor...
Wah liao....
This reminds of my friend's "pet"... hehe.. post here --> EV's pet
Hahahaa... Wonder what your ratatouille ate???
So this is the culprit who is messing around in your home? You big Garfield at home to fat to catch rat lah! hahaha
Hi Baby! that wan cannot lah! The rat eat one big sausage then how?? This sausage is for gf to eat wan oh!!
Hi Sasha! Woah Nikon d40 very good wan! This camera where got cheap!
Hi Jonny! Owl got in the gardner! Inside house cannot wan lah!
Hi Princess! Poisen cannot use as rat will died all over the house! Last time try find dead rat under bed! ( That time I thought why suddenly gf becum so smelly )!
Hi Jian! Wellcum! Python eat one rat at a time???
Hi Angie! This rat so fat I think eat all my food wan!
Hi Ace1! Cat too scare to catch big rat!
muahahaha my house got balless puppy tht don even dare to step out from house without me zzzz
wah!! that is one BIG rat man! if i'm the cat, i think i also scared!! :P
Hi belle! That wan puppy ok wan lah!
Hi lingzie! Yalloh! Big rat!
the mouse face so sharp where got cute... I see liao also no mood for erection already...hehe...
Walau eh! That is one huge rat!
aiyoh horny!!! ur house got tikus ar??
must do housekeeping over the weekend ok>?
dun always poke poke!
have a nice day!
Hi Choongkeat! Wah! My rat spoil ur er*ection arr???
Hi Adrian! They are bigger wan! Too big for the trap!
Hi Iwan! I think I have to get bigger cats! Rat do a lot of pokeing so many babies! How to do housekeeping???
if 1 cat is not enough, get a dozen more! Sure can solve your rat problem!
hearsay years ago:
1. rats bigger than cats & they chased the cats around instead of cats chasing rats. 2. cats couldn't be bothered at all & laid there watching as the rats run around doing their businesses.
actually, i think most cats that have owners don't catch rats/mice nowadays. they don't have the reason to hunt for their own food. i have seen fat rats before & they were about as big as a cat!
anyway, it's so gross to kill/eat them! i once saw a rat which was knocked down & lay dead by the roadside. the fat tummy was broken open & so many BIG FAT maggots were wriggling inside! it was so horrible!
naah i have hairy pics and pokie pics here !
I hate rats, but they're everywhere, and they are HUGE. Don't mention about cats, nowadays cats eat rice, not rat anymore. Haha.
wah you drown the rat and then let your cat eat it? eeeeEEEeee... haha..
after a snake ate will sleep for a while 1.. so cannot continuously catch and eat ..
Hi 3.8! I got 3 cat! 2 poosie & one with banana! Problem is the cat with banana is busy pokeing the 2 poosie cat! So where got time to catch rats!
Hi Anomus! Wellcum! No choice lah! It is either get rid of the rats or very soon I have no un*dies left to wear! It seem at my un*dies is very tasty to the rats!
Hi Sasha! Page no found!!!
Hi Lovie! Yalloh! Cats nowaday also very choosy!
Hi Wendy! what to do? My cat is really poosie wan!
Hi Jian! Oh like this kar! Tq for the inform!
TNS!!! i hate rats cause its tail!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Whhhattt?? Did you really kill the rat?? so cruel...poor rat!!
What a big rat. I have the same problem at my home too, but I try to avoid using poison and that sticky trap. Use the cage like pictured here, and let it go somewhere else. My family doesn't have the heart to kill these rats or mices.
Hi W W H! So u like rats with no tail??
Hi Sylvester! Aiyah if I didn't kill it, it will eat all my un*dies!
Hi Bem69! Wellcum! Wah ur family so kind hearted!
haha Hor Ny,
Really big rat ur have there (tikus mondok). I bet you catch thier son there, wait till u see the parents hehe
confirm lagi besar..
I got rat come to my house also but very small one,just like the movie.Cute2 one, hehe
Hi lankapo!Wellcum! The dam rat made their home on the ceilling! How to catch without takeing apart the roof???
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