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Wellcum! Wellcum!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
How To Made Ur 'Pokeing' More Sexited...Part 6
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:08 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Get Poked!!!!!!
He: hemmm let me see ( I let him exam me………. ). Ok ready!
By now I am all tense up!
He:Oi! Don’t be so tense lah! Relax lah! No painful wan!
Oh! I don’t dare to look! I turn my head away & shut my eye! Without any warning he poke in!
He:Grip a bit tighter ok. Nah! See no painful wan! Seeeee!
He:Ah ur first time har?
Hor ny:Yes! My first time being poke there! ( I nodded my head first time being poke there )
Now where do u think I get poked……….
Now remember I am a guy ( if I am a lady not need to guess lah )…..
Now remember I am not a ga*y……….
See this is where I get poked!

Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:38 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
8 Hor ny Facts
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:24 AM
Labels: TAG
Friday, August 24, 2007
Should I Do This!!
Gf :Hor ny I am bored, very bored!
Hor ny:U r bored meh ( I look at her hor nly )...........
Gf :Yalloh ( she snugger closer to me ). Take me somewhere can or not?
Hor ny:Where do u want to go ( she is no going to ask me to accompany her to go shopping )?
Hor ny:Oh! Ok! I got just the place!!!
After driving around I bring her to..........
Gf : Wei! Wei! What r u doing? U crazy or not? ( She 'ketut' my head playfully ) Why did u bring me to a clinic?!
Hor ny:U say anywhere mah. So I bring u here loh.
Gf :I say somewhere sexited!Hor ny:Yahlah.....sexited! Cum just follow me to see the doctor! ( gf follow with curiosity )
Hor ny to clinic receptionist
Hor ny:Do u have any private examination room? And who is the doctor who specialize in ladies problem, I want a lady doctor for this! ( gf upon hearing this pinch my b*utt & give me a furious look )
Cln Rec: We have private examination room & our lady doctor is Dr Wong. She is free now.
Hor ny:Ok she is perfect!
Gf :I am perfectly Ok! I am not even pregnante!!
Hor ny:Good morning doctor! Me & gf got a problem!Can u see if our 'pokeing' is proper?
Dr W :What do u meant proper or not? ( She has the most bewilding look on her face, gf also look the same but with her mouth slightly opened )
Dr W :Ehhhhh.......this is an unusual 'problem' & request! Well........Ok!
Hor ny:How much is the charge?
Dr W :My consultant fee is Rm35 per hour excluding medical of causes.
Hor ny: Oh! Ok! Ok! Sorry doctor! Next time ok. Any charge for this?
Dr W : Its Ok no charge ( Thank goodness! I have only got Rm100 )!
On the way home I got scolded 'kaw kaw' by gf!!!
Another wishfull thinking! But I never give up hope! Any of my ladied readers to help me out?
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:20 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Monday, August 20, 2007
How To Made Ur 'Pokeing' More Sexited...Part 5
Time or timing is everything...........including pokeing!. Get the time or the timing right, both of u will have a good time. Get it wrong one might feel good while the other get the feeling of 'neither here nor there' or worse still both of u end up feeling ' what is the big deal about pokeing?'.
Everyday if u do things at the exact time or roughly at that time ( for example eating breakfast ,lunch ,dinner , going to the loo for small pe*e or big bomb ) everyday, it soon becum routine & u sort of do all this ‘job’ automatically without thinking. For those who are working, it is the same. Everyday u arrive at ur work place at that time, sit at the same place, do the same job day in & day out soon, it becum boring ( however there are people who love such a job, also know as boring people )
So how about pokeing! Everyday u do pokeing at the same place & at that time on every outing ( for those who is still undecided, unmarried stage 4 couple ). Or u do pokeing every night at 10.30pm ( for example ) when both of u go to bed & do pokeing once a week or even twice or once a month ( actually this is true for people who have being together for more the five years or more & they have more then one kid ). So both of u more or less took this as routine ‘job’ & thus becum boring!
How about changing the pokeing time! Do it at unexpected time ( but of cause u don't do pokeing while driving or when ur gf is cooking ). It does not have to be done after a outing or at time or during the weekend! But do bear in mind a lady does have her ‘hor ny’ period ( one week after her ‘aunty’ visited her ) & her ‘no’ ‘no’ period ( when her ‘aunty’ visited her ) ! Do take note that during her ‘hor ny’ period she is most willing & do look forward to ur pokeing ( if u r good ) but if u still like to do pokeing during her off period she will not be willing ( if u r good she still look forward to it ) & it is a massy job!
In this stressful working life, I am sure married couple hardly find time to relax let alone pokeing! So allow me to made a suggestion. How about pokeing on every third day ( every third day because a guy normally is fully recharged by the third day, well according to my personal sexpriance & from friends also ). Like Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Or Tuesday , Friday & Sunday. I don’t suggest Monday because Monday is normally the most stressful day of the week!
Now about pokeing timing! This is most importantly. By pokeing timing I refer to the ur pokeing rhythm. Get the timing right u will have a most sexiting pokeing sexperiance! Time ur pokeing differently! For example normally pokeing is like this…… out in out in out with increase in speed & decrease in speed when running out of steam! So how about pokeing differently …….in, in, out, out, in, in, in, out, in, ( u can pull out a bit & then slam in fully or slam in & in……… just vary the pokeing or when ur partner expect u to poke in but u didn’t, u just tease with her lips ). This will made the pokeing more interesting.
Understand ur partner reaction. After a lot of pokeing session u will more or less know when ur partner is going to reach her high ( this is almost an art, if u r good u can even let her have a few high before ur ‘bro’ shoot his bullet, the next round took about 10 minutes to recharge faster if she help u ) ! Don’t be selfish & only let ur 'bro' shoot his bullet without letting her have her high ( I do admit this is a bit difficult for guy with ‘sensitive’ ‘bro’, but with more sexpriance u can gain control of ur ‘bro’ ) !
To be continue................
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:05 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Friday, August 17, 2007
Bing awarded! B-day gift?

Wah big muscle! Unfortunately my arm muscle not that big! This is a short post ( my shortest so far ) as I am still busy 'developing' my up-cumming 'educational' post on pokeing! Have a nice weekend my dear readers.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:38 AM
Labels: Award
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Why am I call Hor ny Ang Moh???!!!
Ang:- meant red in hokkien ( hokkien is a Chinese dialect )
Moh:- meant hair in hokkien
Thus Hor ny Ang Moh meant a hor ny red hair! Ang Moh is also normally refer to Caucasian as normally they have red hair. So in most case it mean Hor ny Caucasian!
One year ago one bored simple fellow is connected to the internet pokeing into all sort of sites (mainly sites showing 'nice' picture after all he is just a normal guy ). That is when he happen to poke into baby jee sites & read this ! (all this while he did poke into all sort of blog but he just see & read at the blog thats all ). Something made him put down a comment on this entry as hor ny ang moh! It could be because baby jee is a cute young lady & he decided to pull her se*xy leg!
After pokeing into baby jee for sometime & under her encouragement( baby assure that blogging is free of charge ), this fellow finally decided to enter into the blog sphere as Hor ny Ang Moh! The first thing that he did is to ask for baby help ( since this fellow is lowly educated & he know nuts about internet coding & whatsoever so he need all the help he can get on-line on internet! Lucky baby is most helpful. She help him to set up the site page & even help him to put up the profile picture. Beside her, this fellow also unashamedly ask all sort of help from his readers )!
This is how Hor ny Ang Moh cum into being. So my dear reader I am not a Caucasian ( my lowly educated English will show straight away that I am not Ang Moh ) but long time ago my 'moh' ( hair ) is 'ang' ( red ) but nowadays it is 'oh' ( black ).
Due to my nick as 'Hor ny Ang Moh' I have to live up to my nick ( it would be unsuitable if I post up English literature or history )! That is why I have 'hor ny' labels! By far this is a very popular topic with a lot of reaction from my dear reader! To me its is OK. It doesn't not meant my reader are hor ny, it is after all a subject which all adult should know to have a happy life & family. I am most happy that my hor ny entries is of some use to my reader as no teacher will teach this subject in detail in school! But of cause u can always have a look at the 'nice' dvd movie but it don't give u the pros & cons. One simple example in the 'nice' movie showing 'pokeing' in the wildlife park,its don't show u how many swamp of mosquito is attacking the pokeing couple!
That is why I am so 'hor ny' in blog sphere.
As all if not most of my hor ny entries is base on real life sexepriance mainly with gf ( either current, former or one night stand ) I can never post up my real picture! I will not only be 'ketut' on the head or ears pulled by gf but also will be suicided by my gf if she know I have post up all the 'nice' pokeing detail ( until now she still don't know I have a blog. Oh yes, she did saw me view my sites but I just tell her I am interested to see what a big orang utan is doing & how he 'poke', its for her benefit ). This also applicable to all those that know me ( after all I live in a small & rural town ). This is the disadvantage for posting up all this 'hor ny' entries. I do like to meet my readers ( some of my male reader are awesome and some of my ladies reader are sooooo hot ) but maybe someday I might get to meet them as just a 'simple fellow'. But I am very sure all my reader will have the following reaction!!!

Because I am very sure if I post up my picture my reader will say 'this fellow hor ny meh? He is so ordinary'.This is why I can never post up my picture.
And to my dear reader thank you for all your supports & comment. Have a nice day to all my readers!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:11 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
'Eat Not Full, Hunger Not Died'
So the only way I can made end meet is to cut back on spending!I spend a big chunk of my salary on travelling expenses ( no thank to the high fuel price ) so I save by using motorbike ( Honda club ex5 ) traveling to work ( 40kms ). It did save my fuel bill by 80%!!!But in the end I discover I didn't really save that much! Since using bike I just use my Pajero only once a week it retaliated by giving me all sort of small problems, so the money I save on fuel end up spend ed on repair bill for the Pajero ( see my 4x4 mistress don't like being ignore same as gf if u did pay her attention or do any pokeing to her she will say u don't love her & poke elsewhere & she will also retaliated by giving u problem, like cooking lousy food, 'ketut' ur head & in bad mood ).
It has being a long time since I have meat porridge! Taste good to me & help me to save some money! Beside food, I have cut down a lot on entertainment! It has being a long time since I sat in a cinema ( actually no cinema in my small town but got in the neighbouring big town ) so for movie I usually wait patiently for cheap clear DVD to cum ( Rm5 per piece ).
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:38 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Are U A Rice Pot??!!!!!
But to me there is another meaning! I will refer a person as a rice pot if he can't survive without rice! That is he/she must have rice at least once a day! Without having rice he/she feel very hungry. To this person without having rice as meal is like not having meal! Since rice is a stable food for Asian this is understandable.
But in this modern age, do we still must have rice to survive? How about having bread, noodles or any other food beside rice as our stable food? Can u stand without rice for even one day? How about one year? How about not having rice & have ang moh food year in & year out?
I post this up as among my group when attending a wedding in Batu Pahat is an aunty last month. And this aunty can't survive without rice. By rice as meal she meant white rice with verge & maybe some meat! Because of her I have to search the whole town to find a typical Chinese meal! Oh, she also couldn't eat hot food ( if she can then we will have Indian lunch ) & she say she will be sick if she don't have white rice even chicken rice is not good enough! So imagine my frustration! So many different type of food but I can't really enjoy because of this 'rice pot'!!
Actually for me I can survive on any food so long as I can have meat especially pork. Last time when I first venture out of my hometown to work , I spend a few months on bread, noodles ( Maggi mee ) & even bananas as meal ( in fact bananas is very filling, does having a lot of banana do any good for me? I don't know but I did tell ladies I have a lots of banana as meal so they will get the meaning )!
So can u survive without rice? If u can't then I suppose u r a rice pot after all!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
3:23 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Kia or Nokia...........Any other Kia????
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:00 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Any One Want Me????
Any one want me?
I am a cute fellow.
I can be your guard.
I can keep you company day & night, rain or shine.
My need are few & simple. All I need is love & companionship & a good house where I can call 'home'.
Even what I eat is simple, simple food is what I need 3 time a day is enough!
Any extra or special food like strew pork leg given to me will made me very very happy.
And for this I shall shower u with my all my love & affection for more then a hour!
In return I promise to guard u with my life if necessary.
I shall guard u whenever & wherever u r.
Yes, even when u r taking bath, changing cloths & even when u r in the toilet!
I shall follow u everywhere.
Yes, everywhere, to ur office, car, toilet & even go shopping with u!
I shall also give u all my bodily warm & whatsoever that u need & even pleasure!
I shall also be forever faithful to u & no one else but to u only!
So please take a look at me & say that u want to take me home with u......................
I am begging u....................
to take me............................
with u....................................So do u want to take me home with u????
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:00 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
How To Made Ur 'Pokeing' More Sexited...Part 4
Buy me a car! No car no gf! No gf meant no married! No married mean no babies! No babies mean no grandson! Don't u agree with me? Well in most case this is applicable to parent who can afford to buy a car for their kids & also parent who are desperate to hold & carried a baby that is their grandson( u must understand it has being a long time since our parent last carried a baby that is us )!
So a car is a must! It can do so many things & of cause cost so much & affect so many!But the most important thing is with a car u got a date! And if u got a date u can do so many activities with it! One of the activities is pokeing in a car!
One of the most sexiting way of pokeing is done in the car! It is most convenience ( as most people go dat*eing in a car, remember the saying ‘ I can’t find a gf without a car’ ) & if u know where to park ur car u can have a very enjoyable pokeing session!
Where to do park ur car to do pokeing? Car park is out of question as no privacy as people can have a look at ur action. Night time or dark tinted glass is of little use as any car with running engine attract attention & it is also dangerous as u could get robbed or worse both of u get poked! My suggestion is on some 'out of way' country road or perhaps some fruits orchard. But wherever it is do made sure that ur mobile phone can still be used. Just in case of emergency u can still call for help or in most case still can phone home to say u will be late for dinner!
So what type of car is suitable for pokeing? Well actually any car will do from the smallest like kancil to double cabin to a lorry even! How u do it? The back seat is the most suitable place as the space is bigger when both front seat is push forward ( however if ur car has only two door, the the front space is bigger ). Either the guy poke down into the ladies with her leg spray as wide as the inside of the car or the ladies sit on to the guy’s ‘bro’. Front seat position is also possible with the seat back rest extended to the max. Do remember to be extra careful when doing pokeing in front seat so as not to knock against the gear level as ur car is still running. Also do remember to open the windows slightly to let flesh air. And to ensure maximum privacy while doing pokeing in a car, the best time is when it is raining! Nobody will check on a car when is is raining cats & dogs.
Pokeing can also be done outside the car ( of cause when u r sure that there are nobody around ) standing up leading against the car or the lady can lie down on top of the car bonnet while the guy poke away standing ( the height of most car bonnet suitable for this pokeing method. Don't do this if u drive a 4x4 as the bonnet is too high unless both of u intended to do it on top of the its bonnet ). Do made sure the car bonnet is cool ( as when the car is still running this is not possible ). For car with sun roof additional method can be carried out as both of u can stand up in the car. U can even ask the lady to sit on the roof while u have a good lic*king time between her leg!
Finally according to my friend u can forget buying the car number ( after u do pokeing inside that car ) & bet it on 4-d, magnum. da-ma-cai or whatever! That car number will never cum out wan! I think this could be true as my former car which I do pokeing inside never cum out! However both my current car are still vir*gin. Number cum out several time already ( but whenever it cum out I didn't buy, why no luck wan arr??? Could this be the reason why some 2nd hand car that u buy number never cum out as the previous have done intensive pokeing inside? ).
To be continue........
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:35 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Monday, August 06, 2007
Rm One Million in a horny fellow!!!!!
The first things that I did if I have this much of money with me is to change Rm560,000-00 into Rm1.00 notes. That will be a few sack full of Rm1.00 notes in gunny sack.
As for the Rm440,000-00 I will invested in Russia, buy up a big & nice house. After that I will try to get a Russian Pr. With this I will set up 'Hor ny Production House'. I will employed the most beautiful & different race of Russian Ladies! As long as they are beautiful they can apply to work in my 'production house' also they are willing to becum mother! They will of cause be well pay. In fact I am even willing to share profit with them as they are all share holder of my 'production house'!!! He! He! Still blur blur with what I am doing.............
Ok now I will advertise on the net ' Baby Available for childless couple! Different mother available! Father is big & handsome!' ( I will post up pic of all the beautiful ladies & mother to be on the sites, of cause the father is ur truly but no pic of me ) People can choose which lady they want their baby to be as mother. They can't choose the father but I will grantee them that the baby father is big & handsome!!!
This is how I spend my Rm1,000,000-00! The above way to spend Rm1,000,000-00 good or not! Oh I don't made any donation as almost anyone who do this tag have already made the donation so more then enough money!
Got this tag from a father !
Feel free to do this tag if u want! Have a nice weekend!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
2:39 PM
Labels: TAG
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Any one going to UK to watch ball kicking???
You can always made a tour to visit all the famous stadiums also if you can't made it to the games! You can get behind the scenes & have a look at the player changing room. And if you are lucky you can even have a chance to sit in the Manager's match-day seat! All this is organise by the clubs. For more detail u can check out visit Britain .
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
7:08 PM
Labels: Pornsor
Friday, August 03, 2007
How To Made Ur 'Pokeing' More Sexited...Part 3
A continuation of part 2 & part 1
Hotel room
Hotel room is one good venue! It has all the comfort of home plus some more. It is always better to check in a better quality hotel as the comfort level is better, don’t try to save on this as u rent out a hotel room to enjoy urself with ur partner. A good hotel room will have a big size springy bed & a big size bathroom so that both of u can bath together. A springy bed always aid pokeing action ( I suppose this is why all hotel have springy bed but not everyone have springy bed at home as it is hot unless u have air-con, in fact I have a fibre king size bed it is cooling to sleep in but hard as a board ). Some hotel room also have big mirror fitted so u can also see urself in ‘action’. Do check for hidden camera but for hotel with star it is quite safe to say that it is camera free.
Unless both of u are working together or u invited ur partner over while u do overtime in the office, pokeing in office normally occur as ‘forbidden’ since it meant u r pokeing anyone else but ur usual partner. But this of cause made it so much more sexiting! Pokeing is done on office table, chair or even on the floor! It could be in the general office area, meeting room or even in conference room. It is not advisable to do pokeing in the fax or computer room as u might accidentally poke some button or switch! It is much cheaper as u don’t pay anythings but u have to watch out for any camera including hidden camera!
Out door
It is most sexiting doing pokeing out in the open in nature. The problem is choosing the location. In the park? In some natural park ( don't ever try to do any pokeing activities here, nowadays digital cam-coder cum with zoom lens, u don't want to be ' orang yang terlanpau dalam xxx park' )? In some jungle clearing when u & ur partner go to do some camping?
To be continue...........
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:13 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
How To Made Ur 'Pokeing' More Sexited...Part 2
A continuation of part 1
For married couple……………..
Beside living room, how about in the study room? While ur partner is doing his/her office work ( don’t do it, if he/she doing is important work ) u can pretend to be a secretary to ur hubby or a boss to ur wife! ( pretend u r poking someone else but ur hubby or wife, but do pretending in ur mind don't ever let him/her know that u r thinking of pokeing someone else, u will get a wack on the head from her, 'bro gone home' from him ). Pokeing is more sexiting if u think u r poking someone else or being poke by someone else! Do be careful when pokeing in study room as u don't want any pen or pencil pokeing into u or ur partner if the study table is not cleared properly!
Kitchen is another sexiting place to do poking! Don’t u think ur partner look se*xy while cooking ( a lady in office wear doing cooking did look very 'inverting', as she prepare a quick meal for bf )? But do be very careful when pokeing in kitchen. Don’t even try to poke ur partner from behind by lifting up her dress when she is frying ur food as she is most sexited when she saw ur ‘bro’ standing up at full attention! U don’t want her to fry a big sausage instead of verge! Forget what u see in the 'nice' ang moh movie as ang moh normally don’t fry their food! Pokeing can be done on kitchen table ( I know that it is disgusting if u know poking is done on that table but then it is OK as only u know & ur gust don't so ur gust will still be happily eating away at that table. So next time u have dinner at ur friend/client place, do u think pokeing take place on this dinner table? ) or on kitchen chair. Do be careful while doing pokeing in kitchen, switch off the fire stove & clear the kitchen table of any spoon or fork or whatever. Don't get carried away by the pokeing that u knock down bowls, plate or even ur rice cooker & micro wave oven!
Another sexiting place to have pokeing is the bathroom( the bathroom must be large enough )!This is a very good place to have pokeing! Cleaning can be done at the same time so of cause very very clean. Suc*king & lic*king all taste very good & natural! This is a good place to do a lot of fore*play! However do be very careful with all this activities in the bathroom as it is very slippery with all the soapy water. Do take note that if ur gf is not the 'we*t' type U might find it difficult to poke in after u have cleaned her's hole ( in this case more suc*king, lic*king,nibbling to get her we*t against ). Pokeing can be done on three legged method so either one will be on one leg! So do keep ur balance so that u don't fall down on ur 'bro'( it is very very painful ). Pokeing can also be done in the bathtub or sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Kindly noted that it is not advisable to do pokeing is water or soapy water as it is not good for the lady for water entering a lady in there ( yes it is shown in 'nice' movie, but it is for show only )!
'I can’t do all that with the kids around'. That is the normal valid reason. So how about sending ur kids off to ur in-law or ur parent during the weekend? U can even sent them off to Sunday School! So without kids around it is always quality ‘pokeing’ time to spend together!
That is all on place where u can sexited ur boring pokeing. Mainly in the house. Next post will be outside the house!!
To be continue…………….
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:40 AM
Labels: HOR NY