Seaching Seaching & Seaching

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Wellcum! Wellcum!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Debts!! U Must Settle Yours Debts!! Or Else………..!!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
1:48 PM
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I Want To Die!!! Fuc*ked & Dumped!!
So who is to be blamed? My horny opinion is, it is the teacher fault! Getting a few poked by her student is ok with me although morally it is wrong but to me ‘u want I give’ is OK with me! After all it is a teacher role to teach all that she/he know even with ‘extra’ lesson!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:08 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Lady Wearing Ultra Short Skirt!!! Aiyoh!!!
Oh yes! This time I don't go & tell her ' Lady I can see ur panty!' Not like this entry when I am a good boy & kaypot ( busybody ) & say to the lady ' Lady I can see ur 'nen nen '! Once slapped! Now forever clever wan!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:38 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Laptop to be ‘fuc*ked’ or Poked!!!!
Thank you all so much to all my dear readers! Have a very nice day & happy new years!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
3:38 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Accident!!!! Fuc*k With Responsibilities!
So to my dear readers please poke with responsibilities unless u want to have a ‘cheap’ wife!!! And for ladies don't get poked without precaution as the guy might just be an 'as*shole' & dump u or unless u want to have an instant hubby!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
5:38 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Blog Of The Year 2007!!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
1:58 PM
Labels: Award
Friday, December 21, 2007
HELP Me To Poke! ( Normally Meant Fuc*k To Me )
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:18 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Press 1 for…Press 2 for…Credit Cards teleporn call!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:09 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
‘Nen Nen’ ( Breast ) & Poosie Also Everywhere I Look!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:48 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Sunday, December 16, 2007
'Nen Nen'! Breast! How is it? Painful???!!!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
2:48 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I Can See Your Breast! Nice ‘Nen Nen’!!!
Please do comments! Nothings to be shy about & it will be a nice topic to 'cover'!!! Tq in advance for all ur invaluable comments! Have a nice day!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
1:18 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Friday, December 14, 2007
Living Together! Sex! Fuc*king/Pokeing 24/7????!!!!!!
‘Me too!’ she reply!
‘Oh lets live together! Then when I have enough money we get married!’ he say!
‘Oh! How wonderful!’ she reply!
He! He! When both of u went dating & eating, do both of u put on ur best eating behaviors? Eating slow slow & polite without using hand! That is while dating! Some guy/lady eating style is really terrible wan using hand with leg on the seat even when at home! All this u will 'discovered' when living together!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:38 AM
Labels: HOR NY
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Making Love! Sex! One Night Stand & MILF!
Ma*king Love!
One night stand!
This post is done at the request of this hot LADY in Russia! Because u ask for it ( He! He! Will I be sue inside out & all over because I use this phase arrr??? )!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:12 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Good Thing Must Share Wan! Just Like Pokeing/Fuc*king!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
1:18 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
I Want A Boy/Girl……….
I want a girl!
Pokeing timing is from days 10 onwards as a ladies is now very ‘ripe’ to be a mummy which is why she is also very ‘hor ny’ at this period.
So it is easier to have girl then boy. That also happens to be the law of nature.
Oh! This post is being posted by popular request by my dear readers. So feel free to comment.
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
8:48 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Pokeing/Fuc*king Is Good For You!!!
Lady Doc: Yalloh ( smiling away )!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
12:55 PM
Labels: HOR NY
Friday, December 07, 2007
Money!!!??? No Problemo!!!!!!!
This tag is done at the request of this beautiful lady ! So how? U like it?
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:38 AM
Labels: TAG
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
2 Award!!

Expert Cook award me with 'Thank You For Being My friend'!! Woah thank you very very much!

And to all my readers I will like to say a very BIG THANK YOU for being so supportive & poke into my 'hor ny' site! Reading all your comments is most 'stimulating' ( gf sometime think I have gone nuts when she saw me grinning when I read my reader's comments ).
Have a nice day to all my readers!
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
10:08 AM
Labels: Award
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Hor ny Back to School!!!!!
When we are young our parent will always say ‘ Happy birthday to u! A year older a year wiser! ’ To me the only true in this statement is ‘ A Year Older!!! ’ Yes we are all getting older!
Although all of us don’t want to admit it! Including
With age do we get wiser? He! He! Some do some don’t! Some get more & more confused & so get more & more ‘stupid’ which included
The following are the five classes I want to attend so as to make myself more ‘clever’ & make my life as ‘hor ny ang moh’ better!
1.Internet Class!
Until recently, I know nuts about internet ( I am lowly educated )! Until a friend ‘introduced’ me to internet & show me how to & where to poke into ‘nice’ ( pornish ) site & also show me how to download ‘nice’ picture! From then on my life becum better & more interesting. The next big step cum when I becum a blogger! This is a very ‘complex’ class & I am struggling to learn, with all sort of coding, so complex that I gave up ( that is why my site is so plain unless got colorful ads ). The other aspect of blogging is the various blogging/internet language! For example only recently I know what KNNCCB, TFK, Niamah & so on meant! So if got ‘internet’ class I will like to enroll in one ( Oh I prefer a ‘hot’ lady teacher as I have very short attention span! )!
2.Pokeing Class!
Ok! Ok! Once in a while I do post up ‘pokeing’ entries ( under ‘hor ny’ labels ) but I still consider myself amateur. To learn more on pokeing & to go on to ‘advance’ level I need to enroll on pokeing class. But to enroll in such class is expensive as u need to poke into different ‘hole’ & each ‘hole’ demand payment ( Aiyah if u r a bit lost on what I am writing about expensive ‘hole’…..I am referring to pro*stitute lah ). So far I have attended none of the pokeing class as I can’t afforded it. And in such a small village where I live where got ‘free class’ wan unless in big city like KL? But once I have achieved ‘advance’ level, the one who benefit the most is gf! So if gf is happy my life will be happy also!
3. ‘Tai Chi’ Class!
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese kung fu which is slow in motion yet the effect is very powerful wan! It main abilities are to use the force of the enemies against themselves while u uses minimum force yourself! I am sure my dear readers must be thinking I must have gone nut wanting to learn Tai Chi!!! Ah!!!But I do want to learn Tai Chi but Tai Chi of a different type! Having being working for a numbers of years already I have being at the receiving end of many many sh*it! Even if the sh*it is produced by other people but somehow it end up in my face!! And of cause I becum the scapegoat! Now if I know the art of Tai Chi I can defect all the shit back to the shitter or even to the boss! So any Tai Chi ‘sifu’ among my readers?
4.Music Class!
I love music! My musical taste is vast! From classical music to dance to techno to heavy metal! The problem is I know nuts about musical instrument so how to make music? The only ‘music’ I can made is with the help of my ‘bro’ pokeing into a w*et ‘hole’ with regulated banging & timing ( back up & vocal provided by gf )! Ok! Ok! Actually I want to learn to play musical instrument ( any type will do ) & made music as I know most lady are ‘su*cker’ for musician ( to my lady readers true or not? )! Hopefully with my music I can melt their hearts & maybe spray their legs also!
5.Make Money Class!
Got this type of class or not arrr??? If got I sure will like to enroll but please do not charge me with money as I am a poor fellow! However I am most willing to give free ‘pokeing’ lesson in exchange ( ladies only please, as until now the idea of pokeing into a guy’s backside made me go on ‘diet’! In this case any ladies will do as I have to beg my ‘bro’ to co-operate & I will switch off the light! Yes for money I am willing to do it! )!
That will be the five class I will like to attend to make my life better! Yeah! I know the above classes are a bit different from normal classes but then I am different! Don’t u think so?
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
9:08 AM
Labels: TAG
Monday, December 03, 2007
I Am A 'Hor ny' Blogger!!!
So what is the 'goodness' or 'badness' of being a 'hor ny' blogger??
For 'goodness' I think I can blog on this wide topic lah! This 'educational' topic everybody interested to know wan ( all those who are old enough to poke or to be poked will be interested to known )! Everyone want to have a 'perfect' poke! Everyone want to 'enjoyed' pokeing or being poked! So due to my nick as 'Hor ny Ang Moh' this topic is found under 'hor ny' labels! And it so happen that I am quite experience in sexperience so posting up entries in 'educational' post is easy for me ( just post up all my real life sexperiences will do ). And of cause as a popular topic my reader increased ( I think so as I am burr burr in Internet, by unique no of readers pokeing into my site ).
And now for the 'badness' for being a 'hor ny' blogger! Apparently my site is too 'hor ny' for some people ( I understand lah ) so when I apply for some ads I got rejected by for example PPP, Smorthy, Text Link etc. To be honest if I can made some money through blogging why not. I have read that some blogger made so much money through blogging that I got 'wet' also! But alas this is not so for me ( but it is ok lah as I can still survive ) due to all the rejection I get. I suspect due to the 'hor ny' nature of this site I get so little or no ads ( I am very sure no respectable company want to be associated with a 'hor ny' site ).
Goodness or badness for being a 'hor ny' blogger I will just be what I am in blog sphere ( If reading my post brighten up my reader life, I am happy already & for this no money can buy! ). So do u want to be a 'hor ny' blogger?
Posted by
Horny Ang Moh
11:38 AM